Thursday, January 1, 2009


Confidence is what makes a girl sexy.

Thats my other motto for the new year. Oh, my other one? "Life is a movie and I am the star!"
Not bad, huh? Well today is the first and so far I'm off to a pretty good start. I'm not so much into resolutions so much I am into bettering myself. It is not the expectations that matter, but instead the the effects and the resolve they bring. I am excited for this new year and I am really focusing on being beautiful in every way and really what seems more important to me at this time in my life, feeling beautiful in every way. I want to be sexy, with my confidence. I want to be beautiful with my kindness.. I want to be the star of this movie with my determination.

I love it!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

the twinkle, the sparkle, the wonder

Is there truly anything more beautiful,
more complex,
more gorgeous,
more inspiring,
and more simple than a snowflake?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is the first day of the rest of your life.

Well, of my blogging life I suppose. So here it is my very first blog, I'm surprised I hadn't done this sooner, well I don't have much time today, but tomorrow I'll write my first official one.
Thank you!